27e édition du T3F
A tournament in 3 venues (Hésingue, Saint-Louis, Village-Neuf) with an international atmosphere
A competition open to all rankings
An endowment of 7700 euros
T3F: a stage of the FFBaD elite circuit
Le Tournoi des 3 Frontières fait partie des 6 tournois intégrés au Circuit FFBaD pour les joueurs N1 sur l’ensemble des tableaux. Il en constitue la 4e étape.
The Elite Circuit rewards the best N1 players at the end of all the stages.
A specific application
Le V3F – Volant des 3 Frontières mettra à la disposition de tous les participants de cette 27e édition du T3F une application smartphone pour offrir des services supplémentaires à tous les joueurs.
Our objective will be to concentrate everything related to the 3 Frontiers Tournament on a single medium: refreshment stand prices, real-time results of the competition and also the video streaming offered on the central field of the Sportenum.
video streaming
The 3 Frontiers Tournament has always been a testing ground for digital solutions and we have been working for years with BADLIVE and ICLICK to keep track of everything that happens during the competition.
So even from home, you can follow the results live and stream video from the centre court at the Sportenum from the start of the tournament until the finals.
Thank you for your support and loyalty for many years